Saving Money IS Making Money

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Saving Money on Utilities

Saving Money on Utilities

We’re lucky to have a geothermal heat pump compared to some other forms of heating/air conditioning.  The heat pump draws heat from the soil in the winter and cold from the soil in the summer, so it doesn’t have to heat/cool the house from outside temperatures, it doesn’t use as much electricity as other forms.

The number one thing that I would suggest is to shop around and look for the company that provides the lowest rate.  And then try to reduce your electricity usage.

Wintertime Saving Money Tips

Insulate the attic.  Without insulation in the attic, the heat rises and goes right on out through the roof.  One sign in the winter that your attic needs insulated is if there is no snow on the roof.

Insulate outlets and light switches, especially those on the outside walls.  Insulated covers are very inexpensive and are definitely worth purchasing.

Add weather stripping around doors.  Check to make sure the weather stripping is doing its job.  No drafts.  Add a draft snake or rolled up towel to block drafts.

Can you feel drafts coming through your windows?  Two ideas here:  Put plastic up on your window to block the drafts.  Another thing is to hang heavy curtains so that they can block the draft.

Keep your furnace filters clean.  Great idea to put it on your calendar to clean or replace filter every year.

Get the furnace check up and tune up done.  Natural gas furnaces need to be done every three years and oil furnaces need to be done every year because they burn dirtier.

Have hardwood floors?  Put down an area rug to help keep the house warmer.  Your feet will thank you.

Of course, common sense tells you to turn off the lights or the television when not in use.  Not using your computer?  Have it on a timer to automatically turn off after so many minutes not in use.

Replace your light bulbs with LED bulbs.  They are the most energy efficient bulbs and can save you money.

Use your ceiling fan in the wintertime but run it clockwise on a low speed.


Summertime Saving Money Tips

Use your crockpot or grill to cook so that you don’t heat up your kitchen with the oven.

Use your ceiling fans instead of air conditioning.  Turn them off when you leave the house.  Remember to change it to run it counter clockwise.

Hang your clothes outside to dry instead of using your dryer.  When you bring in your laundry take a deep breath.  No fabric softener or dryer sheet can give you that smell. 

Always fill your dishwasher and washing machine.  It takes the same amount of electricity to run a small load as it does a large load.  Or better yet, hand wash your dishes with one sink for soapy water and one sink of clear water to rinse.  Do not keep faucet running.  That also goes for when you brush your teeth.

If you need new appliances purchase energy efficient ones.  They will automatically save you money!

Remember that every little bit helps.  And that Saving Money IS Making Money!