My name is Michele Legge and I live in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Who am I? Well, to be honest, I am many things: I’m a wife, a stepmom of two great young men, a small business owner, a friend, a little sister, an aunt, a Rotarian, a sun-seeker, a traveler…well, you get the idea. But most importantly, I am a saver.
As long as I can remember I’ve always been a “frugal” shopper. When I was in my teens I went shopping with my best friend Carol to buy a special outfit to wear to that weekend’s church dance. (That was the big thing back in my day.) I baby sat so I didn’t make that much money. We spent hours in a store close to our homes scouring the racks for something to wear. Some things were pretty, but expensive. Then I thought, instead of getting a totally new outfit, what could I get that was pretty, but that would go with something already in my closet? Hmm… I found it… it was a pretty light blue vest with pink flowers on it. (Don’t judge, this was the IN thing back in the day.) And guess how much it was? Only .99!!! I wore it with jeans and a nice white button-down shirt. I thought I was the bomb.
Many years later – I’m still the same way. Always looking for that “it” piece, but at a reduced cost. I love the thrill of the hunt to find that perfect deal.
Recently I was at lunch with my friend Mickey and we were discussing all kinds of things. She said her husband was going to go pick up something somewhere and I made a comment that he should buy that product at such and such store. (I really don’t remember the product.) She asked me why and I told her that that product was cheaper at the store I recommended. She asked how I knew that. I told her all sorts of things that I do to save money. She got so excited and said that I should start a blog to share all these little tidbits with people. And there you have it….my blog was born: Saving Money and Making Money!
I must give props to my hubby because he came up with my tag line. I had come home after shopping at my favorite clothing store with my friend Kelly and I was telling him how much I had saved. He made the comment…saving money IS making money.
So, there you have it. A little bit of who I am and how my blog was born!