20+ Things to Stop Buying to Save Money!

Many times, we pay extra for things because it makes our lives easier. But do we really need to? Does it really save us that much time that we would rather pay for it? And how much is our time worth? In this week’s blog, I (@Michelethebargainqueen from www.savingmoneyandmakingmoney.com), will show you 20+ items to stop buying to save money!

people eating out at a restaurant and drinking alcohol

(This blog contains affiliate links. If you purchase a product through one of these links, I will receive a small commission (at no cost to you). I only ever endorse products that I have used and personally benefited from personally. Thank you for your support.)

With the growing prices on everything – here is a list of twenty things that you should STOP buying/doing to save a ton of money!


Stop Eating Out

This is a no brainer. You can get so many more groceries for your money than going out to eat. Dinner for two at a chain restaurant is going to cost you at least $50 (that does not include alcohol, dessert, or tip)! Want more benefits to cooking your own meals? You control what goes into each meal. Have someone who has allergies or needs to eat gluten free? You are in control. No more second guessing when eating out.


Stop Ordering In

You may think that you are saving money by not going out to eat and ordering in. You do not have to pay for drinks or tip… But you are still spending way too much money on food. You can still get more groceries with that money that you are spending on ordering in.


Stop Buying Brand-Name Products

Most generic/store brand products are made with the exact same ingredients as brand-name products. My family and I have taste tested so many things like iced tea, ketchup, mustard, jelly, oatmeal, etc. and we really did not notice a difference in the taste. The next taste test is going to be Walmart’s Great Value Peanut Butter. My husband is a Peter Pan Peanut Butter snob. I recently read an article that Walmart’s Great Value Peanut Butter is Peter Pan Peanut Butter. I will have to let you know what my husband has to say about that!


Books for sale at a bookstore

Stop Buying Books

Do you love to read? Do your children like to read? Stop paying for books!!  Go to your local library and get books to read for FREE! You may be surprised at how much your local library has to offer you. Check out my post “Joining Your Local Library Will Save You Money”!


Stop Buying Store-Bought Cleaners

Just combine hot water and vinegar to clean your countertops, sinks, floors and more! Need something to help scrub more stubborn stains? Just mix baking soda and water to form a paste. Scrub the stains away for only pennies!


Stop Buying Dryer Sheets

Buy dryer balls instead of dryer sheets. It is only a one-time cost PLUS no chemicals! These are the dryer balls I own.


Stop Buying/Subscribing to Newspapers

Not sure about you, but there does not seem to be much good news going around lately. Our local newspaper has gone from publishing a newspaper every day to just three days per week Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday. But the cost is MORE for the three-day subscription than it had been for all seven days! Get your news online for FREE, PLUS you can get your coupons online as well. Check out SmartSource  and Coupons.com for coupons!


Stop Buying/Subscribing to Magazines

Do you really need those magazines coming to your house? Do you really read them? Is it worth the cost – you could be putting that money towards bills instead!


Stop Eating Out at Lunch

Sure, it’s fun to go out to lunch with the gang at work every day! But that really adds up! If you spend $10 per day, that is $50 per week or $2600 per year that you are spending! (I would much rather use that money for vacation!)  Instead, pack your lunch and use this adorable reusable lunch tote!


lots of bottled water

Stop Buying Bottled Water

Not only can it get expensive to buy bottled water, it is also a material that should be recycled but found along the edge of the road when you are driving down the highway. Instead, buy an insulated water bottle (we have these ARTIC ones) and a water filtration system (we have this one) and save at least $200!

Stop Paying for Gym Memberships

Do you have a gym membership and never use it? You are wasting anywhere from $10-$45 per month! Start by walking outside or go online where you can find a ton of FREE workouts to start! Or even pay for an exercise app! It would be so much more affordable, PLUS you will not have to buy cute little outfits to wear to the gym – saving you even more money!

Stop Taking Your Car to the Car Wash

So much easier to grab a bucket with warm soapy water, a rag, and a hose. Within 15 minutes you are done!

Stop Buying Paper Products

Buying paper plates, plastic tablecloths, and napkins are disposable. For a little bit of money, get a decent set of plates, a nice tablecloth, and cloth napkins that you can use repeatedly! Plus, when your family and friends come over, your table will look so much better than with just paper plates thrown on it.

Stop Going to the Movies

How does a family of four afford to go out to the movies? You figure between the cost of the movie and the popcorn and drinks; you are going to spend at least $50 or more! Instead, have a movie night at home! Even if you purchase a movie online to watch (or go to the library to get them for FREE), you can make various kinds of snacks for just a fraction of the price! Check out my blog “Joining Your Local Library Will Save You Money”!

coffee cup from Starbucks

Stop Buying Your Daily Fancy Coffees

I get it. You need your caffeine! I am not saying no to coffee, just to spending so much money on it. You figure if you buy a special coffee every day, which is going to be at least $30 per week or $1560 per year! I have written an entire blog about this topic. Click to read “How I Save a Crap Load of Money by Skipping Starbucks” and learn how to make your own fancy coffee drinks for just pennies!!


Stop Paying for Convenience

Do we not have the time or are we getting lazy to purchase convenience foods? And by convenience foods, I mean cut up produce. Why pay $2.49 for a little bag of cut up apple slices when you can get an entire bag of apples for only $3.99? Cut up the apple and soak in either lemon water or Sprite/7-up for a couple of minutes and then put into a bag. I also put a rubber band on the apple to hold it together without soaking them and they did not get brown either.


Stop Paying Full Price on Anything

I never pay full price for anything. And, I mean, anything. Do your research. Check online to see where they have the item the cheapest. Amazon? Walmart? Are coupons.com or coupon codes available? Can you utilize an app to get money back like Rakuten or Ibotta?


Stop Hiring a Handy man for Small Jobs

Learn to do things yourself. There is this wonderful place online called YouTube where you can find instructions on how to do anything. Learning new things, saving yourself money, and having a sense of accomplishment is AWESOME!


Stop Buying Wants

Yes, I really want that trendy pair of orange strappy sandals, but I really do not NEED them. UGH! Needs are things like rent/mortgage, utilities, groceries, etc.


Stop Impulse Buying

Why do you think grocery stores (well, any store, if you really think about it), put candy and little items at the check-out counter? This is especially hard when you go shopping with your little ones. They start crying and want something too! Yeah, try and leave them at home. You do not have to get a bottle of water or soda right then either. You are on the way home, just wait to you get home!


money savings tips notebook with calculator pen and laptop


Babysitting can get expensive. I could not believe how much babysitters are charging now-a-days. Why not go in with other families (can be friends, family, or neighbors) and take turns babysitting and letting the other couple have a night out?


Stop doing two or three of these ideas to start saving your money! Every little bit helps. You did not get into debt overnight and you will not get out of debt overnight! Take baby steps. You can do it!


Remember what my husband always says, “Saving Money IS Making Money”!



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